Recession vs Depression: What’s The Difference And Which One Are We Headed Toward?

A depression is any economic downturn where real GDP declines by more than 10 percent. A recession is an economic downturn that is less severe. In modern times, a deep recession or an outright depression is most often fended off by the use of two weapons wielded by separate branches of government, expansionary fiscal policy and expansionary monetary policy. Note, that’s a potential for a recession, not a depression. The number would have to indicate a catastrophic loss in consumer confidence to cause anyone to use the “d” word. And even then, monetary policymakers and fiscal policymakers would be scrambling to use the tools at their disposal to prop up those numbers.

Economic depressions are much less common and more severe than recessions. Because they happen so infrequently, the definition is harder to nail down. It is much more severe than a typical recession, which is considered a normal part of the business cycle. Of note, although the recession in 2001 was mild from an economic standpoint, it was disastrous for the stock market. They look at many different indicators besides GDP, including gross domestic income, unemployment, manufacturing, and retail sales.

  1. They also commonly refer to a double-dip recession as a W-shaped recovery, in reference to its shape on an economic cycle chart.
  2. NBER declared a recession in the early months of 2020, despite the economic slump lasting just two months ‒ much shorter than thetwo consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth that are often used to label a recession.
  3. Note, that’s a potential for a recession, not a depression.
  4. As profitability declines, so, too does the value of companies’ stocks.
  5. When consumers spend less, businesses produce less and rethink investments in new enterprises.

But, eventually, the housing market began to crash (something people worry might happen again in the near future). Whether you come to HuffPost for updates on the 2024 presidential race, hard-hitting investigations into critical issues facing our country today, or trending stories that make you laugh, we appreciate you. The truth is, news costs money to produce, and we are proud that we have never put our stories behind an expensive paywall.

Are We Headed Toward A Great Depression Of 2020?

Reviewing bank statements or trying tools such as budget apps and expense trackers can help you understand your cash flow. The banking system is much stronger than it was during the Great Depression. Since then, banks have been backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and deposits are insured for up to $250,000.

Its “Expectations Index,” based on consumers’ short-term outlook, fell a bit. What most can agree on is that a depression is a much, much bigger version of a recession. This is usually characterized by a sharp, extended economic downturn that lasts several years. Depressions feature severe declines with harsh effects spread across the economy. From a glass-half-empty perspective, the number of jobs lost today far exceed any previous recession. More than 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits within the last four weeks.

Broadly speaking, a recession is a period of prolonged economic downturn. One oft-cited way of determining whether the U.S. economy is in a recession is by looking at gross domestic product, or GDP. If the GDP has declined for two consecutive quarters, the wisdom goes, we’re in a recession.

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If we’re defining a depression as a period when the GDP falls more than 10%, no. Most analysts say a recession becomes a depression when the GDP decline 1 year sobriety gift exceeds 10%. But Schlossberg said that’s another rule that can “easily be broken.” Acorns does not provide access to invest directly in Bitcoin.

Other economists argue that the depression continues up until the point that most economic activity has returned to normal. As for the stock market, 1932 saw the Dow Jones fall a whopping 89% below its highest point. Having lived through the Great Recession, it’s hard to imagine how much worse it must have been during the Depression. Again, there’s no definition of an economic depression that all economists agree upon. This is likely due to their rarity—with few things to compare it to, it’s hard to determine the common characteristics.

Signs of a recession

It consisted of two separate recessions in the U.S., one from 1929 to 1933 and the other from 1937 to 1938. Unlike depressions, recessions are a normal part of the business cycle. They occur every 5–10 years and tend to be about 6–18 months long. A recession is a widespread decline in economic activity that lasts for at least a few months. To be official, a recession has to include a downward trend in GDP characterized by a decline in production and employment, which in turn causes the incomes and spending of households to decline.

Speaking of savings, emergency funds are another tool designed specifically for job losses and other financial hardships. Aim to start with at least $500 in this fund, which should be kept in a savings account. So while those first few months in 2020 were officially labeled a recession, if you had worried about housing and food, that time may have felt more like a depression to you. The economy has cycles, and so recessions are usually predictable, says Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, CEO and a founder of, a financial education company.

That much-anticipated call could happen even after a recession is over.

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In fact, there have been 13 recessions since World War II. Barring any major unseen circumstances, a recession that impacts the economy so deeply that it’s widely considered a depression is unlikely. However, the turbulence that rising inflation and soaring interest rates have stirred up also carry whispers of an upcoming recession. Because economists do not have a set definition for what constitutes a depression, the general public sometimes uses it interchangeably with the term recession. However, the difference makes itself evident when you compare the Great Recession to the Great Depression. For example, $1,000 today is not going to be as valuable as $1,000 in 10 years, and higher interest rates seek to mend that.

What is a recession?

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All of the taxable events that keep a government humming are in decline. In the U.S., that’s the Federal Reserve, The Fed can goose the economy simply by lowering the interest rates it charges banks for the short-term loans that keep the banking system running. The Great Depression began in the United States but soon took hold throughout the industrialized world.