Explain what is meant by the relevant range in the context of Cost Volume Profit analysis Wyzant Ask An Expert

Perhaps, there is a discount on additional direct material at a given point. So from a relevant range standpoint, we need to determine at what point that number will change. Perhaps we get a discount after we purchase 100 components, at which time the cost of direct material will drop to .80 per widget. With variable costs then, the relevant range will be the range where the cost of adding one more, will be the same as the last.

  1. These classifications are generally used for long-range planning purposes.
  2. If actual sales were to exceed that amount, then ABC would need to construct a new manufacturing facility.
  3. These cost classifications are common in businesses that produce large quantities of an item that is then packaged into smaller, sellable quantities such as soft drinks or cereal.

In addition to its superior sensitivity, the new sensor possesses other advantages over existing methods. Traditional techniques for detecting lead with high accuracy and sensitivity often rely on expensive instrumentation, which limits their accessibility for widespread use. Meanwhile, home kits, while more accessible, tend to be unreliable and exhibit a relatively poor limit of detection, typically within the micromolar range.

Definition of Relevant Range

Once the boundary of the relevant range has been reached or moved beyond, fixed costs will change and then remain fixed for the new relevant range. Let’s examine an example that demonstrates how changes in activity can affect costs. In analyzing the costs, Pat also needs to consider the total costs and average costs. The analysis will calculate the average fixed costs, the total fixed costs, the average variable costs, and the total variable costs.

How to Calculate Average Unit of Production in Accounting

What sets a relevant range apart is that the process calls for remaining grounded in what has a reasonable chance of occurring during the upcoming budgetary period and making allowances for those events. Doing so means the chances of being overwhelmed by shifts in the economy are lessened, which in turn means the business has a better chance of surviving whatever chain of events should come to pass. They store the finished inventory in a rented warehouse which is designed to accommodate 25,000 bikes at one time. The warehouse rent per annum is $100,000 regardless of the number of bikes parked there, so it is a fixed cost. Remember that the reason that organizations take the time and effort to classify costs as either fixed or variable is to be able to control costs. When they classify costs properly, managers can use cost data to make decisions and plan for the future of the business.

If, within a relevant range, a
cost is neither fixed nor variable, it is called semi-variable or mixed. The new warehouse will be big enough until they reach 55,000 bikes, so the total rent will remain at $150,000 until that time. Hopefully, they get manufacturing and sales aligned before that happens, but for now, that is the new relevant range. The increased warehouse rent will remain fixed until the maximum capacity of that second warehouse is reached i.e. inventory balance exceeds 75,000 motorbikes. Step costs are best explained in the context of a business experiencing increases in activity beyond the relevant range.

BUS105: Managerial Accounting

Unlike fixed costs that remain fixed in total but change on a per-unit basis, variable costs remain the same per unit, but change in total relative to the level of activity in the business. Revisiting Tony’s T-Shirts, Figure 2.16 shows how the variable cost of ink behaves as the level of activity changes. However, the fixed cost per unit decreases as production increases, because the
same fixed costs are spread over more units.

However, if you are considering the supervisor’s salary cost on a per unit of production basis, then it could be considered a variable cost. The third major classification of product costs for a manufacturing business is overhead. These overhead costs are not directly attributable to a specific unit of production, but they are incurred to support the production of goods.

Can the Marginal Cost Curve & the Average Variable Cost Curve Be the Same?

It is possible that both the selling and administrative costs and materials costs have both fixed and variable components. As a result, it may be necessary to analyze some fixed costs together with some variable costs. Ultimately, businesses strategically group costs in order to make them more useful for decision-making and planning.

The following two charts depict
this relationship between fixed costs and output volume. For example, let’s say Bikes Unlimited picks up a large contract with a customer that requires producing an additional 30,000 units per month. Do you think the cost equations in Table 5.5 would lead to accurate cost estimates?

It requires the application of labor to the raw materials and component parts. You’ve also learned that direct labor is the work of the employees who are directly involved in the production of goods or services. In fact, for many industries, the largest cost incurred in the production process is labor. For Carolina Yachts, their direct labor would include the wages paid to the carpenters, painters, electricians, and welders who build the boats. Like direct materials, direct labor is typically treated as a variable cost because it varies with the level of activity.

The Ocean Breeze is located in a resort area where the county assesses an occupancy tax that has both a fixed and a variable component. Ocean Breeze pays $2,000 per month, regardless of the number of rooms rented. Even if it does not rent a single room during the month, Ocean Breeze still must remit this tax to the county. However, for every night that a room is rented, Ocean Breeze must remit an additional tax amount of $5.00 per room per night. Tony operates a screen-printing company, specializing in custom T-shirts. Regardless of whether he produces and sells any T-shirts, he is obligated under his lease to pay $1,000 per month.

Discretionary fixed costs generally are fixed costs that can be incurred during some periods and postponed during other periods but which cannot normally be eliminated permanently. Both of these costs could potentially be postponed temporarily, but the company would probably incur negative effects if the costs were permanently eliminated. These classifications are generally used for long-range planning purposes.

Why is it so important for Bert to know which costs are product costs and which are period costs? Bert may have little control over his product costs, but he maintains a great deal of control over many of his period costs. For this reason, it is important that Bert be able to identify his period costs and then determine which of them are fixed and which are variable. Remember that fixed costs are fixed over the https://business-accounting.net/, but variable costs change with the level of activity. If Bert wants to control his costs to make his bike business more profitable, he must be able to differentiate between the costs he can and cannot control.

For this reason, adding salaried personnel to address a short-term increase in demand is not a decision most businesses make. We have established that fixed costs do not change in total as the level of activity changes, but what about fixed costs on a per-unit basis? Let’s examine Tony’s screen-printing company to illustrate how costs can remain fixed in total but change on a per-unit basis. Managerial and related cost accounting systems assist managers in making ethical and sound business decisions.